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Paradigm Files Comment on the CFTC’s Overbroad Proposed Rule on Political Event Contracts and Prediction Markets

Paradigm files comment letter in response to the CFTC's proposed rule on prediction markets and election contracts.

July 25, 2024

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief Supporting CFAT and Lejilex’s Lawsuit Against the SEC

Paradigm has submitted an amicus brief supporting Lejilex and the Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texas's lawsuit against the SEC.

July 10, 2024

Paradigm Files Comment Letter on ESMA’s Market Abuse Consultation

Paradigm has filed a second comment letter regarding MiCA.

June 25, 2024

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief Supporting Challenge Against the SEC’s Dealer Rule, Which Could Have Sweeping Implications for DeFi

Paradigm filed an amicus brief supporting the Blockchain Association and Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texas motion for summary judgment in their challenge to the SEC’s new Dealer Rule, which could have sweeping implications for DeFi and all of crypto.

May 24, 2024

Paradigm Files Comment Letter on ESMA’s Financial Instruments Consultation

Paradigm has filed a comment letter in response to a consultation as part of the EU’s landmark crypto law, known as MiCA.

April 29, 2024

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief Supporting Coinbase's Lawsuit vs. SEC

Today, Paradigm filed an amicus brief supporting Coinbase’s lawsuit against the SEC, which seeks judicial review of the agency’s refusal to provide rules for crypto.

March 18, 2024

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in SEC v. Kraken

Paradigm filed an amicus brief in SEC vs. Kraken that supplements the arguments made by Kraken and explains, once again, why the SEC’s approach is unsupported by case law and is an unlawful attempt to grant itself new and unpermitted regulatory authority.

March 1, 2024

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in Support of KalshiEx Congressional Control Contract Case vs. the CFTC

Paradigm filed an amicus brief in support of Kalshi's lawsuit against the CFTC, which challenges the Commission's disapproval of the listing of a prediction market on Congressional control.

February 5, 2024

Paradigm Files Comment Letter on FinCEN's Proposed Reporting Requirements for Mixers

Paradigm today filed a comment to FinCEN’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which labels all “convertible virtual currency mixing”–defined broadly–as a primary money laundering concern, and seeks to impose a new reporting requirement on all related transactions.

January 22, 2024

Paradigm Responds to the CFPB’s Proposed “Larger Participants” Digital Wallet Rule

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed a rule intended to regulate large centralized digital payment companies, but captures crypto wallets in the process. Paradigm urges the Bureau to appropriately narrow the scope of the rule to exclude crypto wallets, which are quite different than the rule's ostensibly intended targets.

January 8, 2024

Paradigm Files Comment Letter on IRS' Unduly Burdensome Proposed Crypto Broker Rule

The IRS and Treasury Department's crypto broker rule is unduly broad and burdensome, indiscriminately implicating wide swaths of the crypto industry. Paradigm's comment letter urges the IRS to substantially revise the proposed rule to ensure it is properly tailored and practically administrable.

November 13, 2023

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in Harper vs. IRS

Paradigm filed an amicus brief in support of James Harper’s lawsuit against the IRS, which challenges the agency’s ability to use “John Doe” summons as a dragnet to surreptitiously obtain the private records of large groups of crypto users.

October 20, 2023

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in SEC's Case Against Binance

Paradigm filed an amicus brief in the SEC lawsuit against Binance. Paradigm was not an investor in Binance and has no direct financial interest in the outcome of the lawsuit. However, we believe it is critical to stand against government overreach regardless of who the defendant is. Here, the SEC is attempting to leverage the disturbing allegations it levies in its complaint to change the law while circumventing the rulemaking process. The SEC is plainly acting outside the scope of its authority and we oppose this gambit.

September 29, 2023

Paradigm and a16z file joint amicus brief in SEC v. Coinbase

Paradigm and a16z filed a joint amicus brief in SEC vs. Coinbase that supplements the arguments made by Coinbase in its filing last week and demonstrates why the SEC's approach is unsupported by case law and represents a significant and problematic expansion of its regulatory authority.

August 11, 2023

Paradigm files amicus brief in SEC vs. Bittrex

Paradigm filed an amicus brief rejecting the SEC's unsupported attempt to expand its jurisdiction to secondary market trading of crypto assets

July 7, 2023

Paradigm comments on the SEC's proposed redefinition of exchange

Through this haphazard rulemaking, the SEC inappropriately attempts to bring crypto trading platforms, including DEXs, under its remit and regulate them as securities exchanges. It thus appears that after suing Coinbase for failing to do the impossible—registering as a securities exchange when it was incapable of doing so—the Commission now intends to force DEXs into the same Hobson’s choice.

June 7, 2023

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in Coin Center Lawsuit over Tornado Cash Sanctions

Paradigm filed an amicus brief in the lawsuit that Coin Center and others brought in Florida to challenge the government’s sanctioning of the Tornado Cash open-source code.

June 2, 2023

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in NY AG's Case Against KuCoin Pushing Back Against Allegation that ETH is a Security

Paradigm filed an amicus brief in the lawsuit that the NY AG brought against KuCoin, in which the OAG alleged that certain tokens traded by KuCoin, including ETH, are securities. Our brief highlights the unfairness of the OAG’s tactics, which deprive the most affected parties an opportunity to defend themselves in court.

May 18, 2023

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief Supporting Coinbase’s Writ of Mandamus

Today Paradigm filed an amicus brief in support of Coinbase’s lawsuit that seeks to compel the SEC to respond to the company’s pending rulemaking petition.

May 10, 2023

Paradigm Files Comment Letter in Response to Proposed Amendments to the Custody Rule

TLDR: Today Paradigm submitted a comment letter to the SEC regarding the Commission’s proposed amendments and redesignation of rule 206(4)-2 (better known as the Custody Rule).

May 8, 2023

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in SEC vs Terra

Paradigm was not an investor in the Terra ecosystem and our brief was filed in support of neither party’s motion—our only interest was to push back against the SEC’s continued attempts to expand their jurisdiction over crypto.

April 24, 2023

Paradigm Files Van Loon Amicus Brief

Paradigm filed an amicus brief in the lawsuit that six Tornado Cash users brought to challenge the government’s unprecedented sanctioning of the Tornado Cash open-source code.

April 17, 2023

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in SEC vs Wahi

Today, Paradigm filed an amicus brief in SEC vs. Wahi that rejects the SEC’s expansive and unsupported application of securities laws to crypto secondary markets.

March 10, 2023

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in SEC’s Lawsuit Against Ripple

Last week, Paradigm filed an amicus brief in the SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple Labs, Inc. Our goal is to help the Court avoid the unintended consequences of casually endorsing the SEC’s position in this case, which conflates an investment scheme with the crypto asset sold in that scheme.

November 17, 2022

Paradigm Files Amicus Brief in CFTC Action Against "Ooki DAO"

Paradigm is filing an amicus brief in the case recently brought by the CFTC against “the Ooki DAO.” While we are not a party to the case, we thought it was necessary to speak up against the CFTC’s attempt to expand liability to unsuspecting technology users and impair the ability of DAOs to operate in the US.

October 17, 2022